
Gardens, Gardens, Gardens

As you can see, I am certainly not the best at starting a blog. Shall we try again? Lets :)
Ryan is going crazy with school. CRAZY! But, he will officially be done with his bachelors degree in DECEMBER! Yay! Then we just have one more year for the masters program. So excited!

Between working at the salon and the stock brokerage, I don't have much time. But, I do have nights off, which I am still not used to. The only bad thing, is that Ryan doesn't have nights off...which leaves me with spare time. So, I decided to plant a garden. So far, I've planted peas and onions, chives, and lots and lots of sunflowers! I have to wait to plant our pumpkins, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, green beans and yellow squash. The sunflowers are the mammoth ones that we gave away at our open house as thank you's. Oh how I love sunflowers!

(This is Ryan's cousin, Madi, with her sunflower that she got at our wedding. See how tall it is!?)

Anywho, so hopefully the sunflowers in my garden will grow and be tall like this! I can't wait. A few of them are starting to pop out of the ground. I guess the test now is to see if I have a green thumb or not... So far, it seems to be going okay!

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